Reference list

Contract number 0307/058 from 30-03-2017 concluded with the Football Federation of Macedonia, for construction works on a tribune of a football field in Dojran. (2017)

Contract with the Football Federation of Macedonia, for installation of a pumping station on a football field in the village of Rankovce. (2017)

Contract with the Football Federation of Macedonia, for reconstruction and rehabilitation of the City Stadium Kocani. (2017)

Contract with the Football Federation of Macedonia, for installation of a pumping and distribution installation on a football field in Makedonski Brod. (2017)

Contract with the Company for trade and services TAV Makedonija DOOEL Petrovec, for horticultural maintenance and maintenance of the system for watering the park areas in front of the terminal building of Alexander the Great Airport – Skopje. (2017)

Contract with the Company Trade, Production and Services KARA AD Skopje, for design and construction of a green roof. (2017)

Contract with the Joint Stock Company for production and trade of wine WINE CELLAR TIKVESH export-import AD Skopje, for design and horticultural arrangement of green areas in the business circle of the building in Kavadarci. (2018)

Contract with the Municipality of Kisela Voda, for construction of new parks and maintenance of green areas on the territory of the Municipality of Kisela Voda. (2018)

Contract with DGPTSUU Lindy import-export JTD, for construction of artificial grass on an open football field in Kicevo. (2018)

Contract with the Company for sports activities TRAINING CAMP VARDAR DOOEL - Skopje, for ongoing maintenance of the football field at the Training Camp Vardar in the settlement Hippodrome. (2019)

Contract with FC VARDAR Skopje, for current maintenance of the football field at SC Jane Sandanski – Skopje. (2019)

Contract with the Joint Stock Company for construction and management of residential space and business premises of importance for the Republic, for procurement of materials for maintenance of the grass area of the National Arena Filip II Skopje- grass sod (part 1). (2019)

Contract with the Joint Stock Company for construction and management of residential space and business premises of importance for the Republic, for procurement of materials for maintenance of the grass area of the National Arena Filip II Skopje - seeds, peat, river sand (part 2). (2019)

Contract with the Joint Stock Company for construction and management of residential space and business premises of importance for the Republic, for procurement of materials for maintenance of the grass area of the National Arena Filip II Skopje - items for nutrition and protection (part 3). (2019)

Contract with the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, General Secretariat for Procurement of goods for Reconstruction and horticultural landscaping PART 7- Reconstruction and horticultural landscaping of green areas in the Municipality of Suto Orizari. (2019)

Contract with the Municipality of Aerodrom for procurement and planting of seedlings (trees and shrubs) for renewal, rehabilitation and supplementation of existing areas on the territory of the Municipality of Aerodrom. (2020)

Contract with the Municipality of Gjorce Petrov for public procurement of works-horticultural arrangement in a regional park in the Municipality of Gjorce Petrov. (2020)

Contract with FC Renova for Construction of substrates, leveling and installation of artificial grass. (2021)

Contract with the Municipality of Centar for Maintenance of parks, public green areas and irrigation systems on the territory of the Municipality of Centar. (2021)

Contract with the Football Federation of Macedonia for urbanization of the existing playgrounds of the Ministry of Interior - EBR Gjorce Petrov. (2021)

Contract with Shopping Center East Gate Mall for interior design and placement of greenery inside the building. (2021)

Contract number 0307-24951 from 02-11-2021 concluded with the Football Federation of Macedonia for reconstruction of the stadium with artificial grass of FC Macedonia Gjorce Petrov. (2021)

Contract with Janus Baucentar DOOEL Ohrid for construction of a golf driving range. (2022)

Contract with DPTU DETONIT DOOEL Radovish for Phased reconstruction of an auxiliary football field in Radovish with artificial grass level-2, (2023)

Contract with Limak DOO Skopje for a Project for a mixed complex - Landscaping and purchase and installation of planters. (2023)